Pizza Port Wipeout IPA

91 / 100
Pizza Port comprise of 3 San Diego area restaurant / breweries (Solana Beach, Carlsbad and San Clemente) that makes some extremely tasty beer. Earlier this year, they opened Port Brewing Company in the old Stone Brewing Co.'s facility in San Marcos. They've already started distributing their Sharkbite Red to SoCal shops and plan to start bottling more.
This is fantastic news because until now, the only way you could get their offerings were at the restaurants themselves (and a few select SD bars). On the way back from San Diego this weekend, the Solana Beach Pizza Port was directly en route. So I picked up a growler of Wipeout - the best PP I've tried to date.
No doubt about it, I fucking love hops so fucking much. This here is a fine way to get a healthy dose of hops into your diet without the intensity of moving on to a Double IPA (not that there's anything wrong with that).
With a little help, I bombed through this growler very quickly. Whatever the ABV, it just didn't matter. It was well buried in the gorgeousness of the hop character. Pine and citrus hopness all over the place. Not too intense, perhaps just quite right. Everything about this was pure class.
Sadly, now it's gone and I'm 150 miles away from the closest Pizza Port.