Lost Abbey Avant Garde

89 / 100
A couple of the Lost Abbey offerings finally made their way to Los Angeles and just in time for the weekend.
Bière de Garde is a style I still don't think I could pull out of a lineup. The ones I've had have been varied in flavors and complexities. In fact most of the ones I've tried have been American made.
It poured a gold-amber color with mdeium head that dissipated quickly, but the lacing was impressive. The aroma is flan-like; almost a creme brulee subtle sweetness. Quite nice. Tasting it mirrored this with some Belgian tasting yeast and hop presence. I was impressed with the amount of flavor that was achieved without upping the sweetness factor. It was very easy drinking and went well with the Spanish salami-like meat the missus was serving.
I'd love to try that Bière de Garde..sounds awesome. It's a great style - Bière de Garde. If you get any of these, pick them up:
La Choulette Ambrée
La Bavaisienne (hoppy)
3 Monts
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:57 AM
unibrou tasting in culver city:
Posted by
susan |
10:41 AM
They are charging for a Unibrou tasting? $25? Must be an LA thing. We always have free tastings around Boston unles it is a pairing with food or a festival.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:05 PM