Stout Week: Day 3 - Young's Double Chocolate Stout
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Young's Double Chocolate Stout is the world's most popular sweet stout. Stout and chocolate just make sense together.
After the pour the most immediate thing you notice is the frothy head. There seems to be a lot of carbonation too. The color is a thick black. The aroma is milk chocolate with some grain. The taste is full of chocolate and a slight hop bite. The taste actually improves as it warms up.
I was drinking the 500mL bottle, I remember it being better in the nitro-can - more creamy.
This is my favorite stout. There is a great beer haus in Boston/Brookline that has Young's Double Chocoloate on tap. Delicious!
Posted by One Food Guy | 8:52 AM
the Publick House?
I love that place, one of the best bars I've ever been to
I'm originally from the Boston area
Posted by justinsloe | 8:56 AM