Oktoberfest at Alpine Village

Previously I discussed my neglected Oktoberfest so finally I gave it it's due respect. According to Angel City's website, "Last year Angel City Brewing sold over 1150 kegs of its Alpine Lager!" All of this was at the Oktoberfest Celebration at Alpine Village in Torrance, California - which little did I know, was under the same ownership as Angel City.
I met some friends down there last week in the tented beer gardens. Time for big beer drinking, pretzels and oompa loompa songs. Lederhausen the garb of choice.
Alpine Village Lager
69 / 100
The two choices of beer were: Bud Light and this. Never having this before but familiar with Angel City, it was an easy choice. One maß was poured into my Spaten mug (worth bringing your own mug, unless you want it in a flimsy styrofoam cup). It was an amber color with no head. It had a bready aroma with slight sweetness. I drank the whole maß easily enough so I guess it's drinkable. The party there was fun and added to it all.
I don't think I'd drink this at home, but it did me well at the time.