Trappist Keeper

Rochefort 10
92 / 100
If you like big, delicious beers painstakingly concocted by papal Belgians - you need not look any further than to the fine Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy. Trappist monks have been creating fine beers there for the last 80 years.
The 10, their biggest and best beer is a remarkable quadrupel. It pours a dark cola color with a thick, picky finger head. The heads laces all over the glass. The aroma is sweet: plum and brown sugar. A nice crisp yeast scent balances the sweetness. The flavor is extremely complex. Initially the sweetness hits, similar to the nose. It continues with the slightest sour notes - green apple and dark cherry. Just a tiny bit of bitterness finishes. There's a lot going on here and it all comes together wonderfully. Incredibly delicious, the 11.3% ABV is hardly noticeable. I enjoyed this as an after dinner beer but it certainly would do well with many cuisine options.
Trappist keeper..I just got the joke! Me slow... That's funny.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:22 AM
anonymous = phomaster =person who cannot get his damn login to work!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:23 AM
This Trappist ale is the balls!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:09 AM