Victory Brewing Company Prima Pils

Most of the beers available in the world are lagers. All the garbage beers (read: Budweiser, Miller, etc.) are lagers. Some have dare define them as pilsners. Pilsners originated in Pilsen small city in the western
Prima Pils is the best American example, I’ve had of a classic German pilsner. In fact, Prima Pils is probably the best pilsner I’ve ever had. The bottle pours a straw color into my glass. Nice carbonated streams of bubble percolate the glass reaching the ¼ inch froth head. The aroma provides the obvious hops: herbs and spices. Pale malts come through in the taste with the said hops. A lil grain flavor hides beneath. The taste is smooth and subtle; even though it far out-hops any European pilsner you’ll ever have.
It’s a remarkably delicious and easy drinking lager. One word of wise: if picking up a 6 pack of this delicious nectar, be sure to check the Born On Date. This is not a beer that tastes as good past it’s prime. I’ve walked that road, please don’t follow.