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Monday, March 06, 2006 

Smuttynose Big Beer Series: Wheat Wine Ale

73 / 100

I really dig the label. If you are reading my review you can see it. Nice huh?

I poured this into a tulip glass – a brown amber color with a creamy head, maybe too much of a head , as I didn’t pour it very well. Tulip glasses kinda fuck me up. It had a interesting aroma: sweet and citrus with a hop lingering. And alcohol – I could definitely smell booze was in there in abundance. It tasted fruity with a lot of malt going on. Hops were around too. It was a bit like a barleywine but not as intense – even though they have similar alcohol levels – this seemed lighter, more subdued.The alcohol was very much kickin’ it. It gave that nice warmth in the medium body, but it also was a bit much. I struggled to make it through the whole 22 oz.

Interesting beer, my first wheat wine – I’m up for more.